Starting .exe program from flash?

Hello !

I would like to know if I can start a .exe program from Flash.

Description: I have a CD with flash presentation (autorun) and additional .exe program. I would like to make a button in flash presentation that would start my .exe program whish is located in the same CD.

Any ideas would be appreciated

tx for your help


yes you can.

The exec command can contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period ()., and underscore (_). The exec command runs in the subdirectory fscommand only. In other words, if you use the fscommand exec command to call an application, the application must reside in a subdirectory named fscommand.

I think the command would look something like.


David tx for your speedy answer !

Will check your link and your command.

Tx againg

it could also be


but I’m not sure

No need to put fscommand, it’s implied. ANd if you want to start an application that’s not inside that folder, just create a batch file (.bat) in the folder fscommand.

pom :slight_smile:

OK, silly me: what you quoted is true for Flash MX. With Flash 5, I think that your programme doesn’t necessarily have to be in the fscommand folder. It was considered a problem for security, so they “fixed” it in Flash MX.

pom :phil:

it dont work for me ? on Flash mx?