If you’re talking about the orange thing, it’s just a tween that plays on rollover. Or am I mistakem about what you were looking for??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…
No no no my friend I don´t mean that orange too basic thing ;
the effect I am interested in duplicating is that one as you enter the page ; pay attention to the text field “HEllo FFF Folks here we are with another update for you…” ; the way it comes up , the text ;
the same for the buttons :
Partners , Webdesign and Advertisement ,
roll your mouse over those buttons and you will see a mc to play and the text appears with such effect ; It is evident that is a masking effect , and perhaps the mask is animated by means some action scripting -
I´ve seen something similar being done by an applet.
I keep picking my neurons on it .
Flash has a deficiency at dealing with masks what
makes it difficult to create effects like that.
Movie clips can´t be used as mask area , otherwise I would
have duplicated the effect.
well, you can artificialy create a non-mask mask by covering a lower layer with objects on a higher layer. It’s not a mask, but it can have a similar effect if done correctly.