Can someone look at this for me please!

I had another post of the same problem but it was confusing so i’m gonna make a new thread and delete the old one. I hope its more understandable :slight_smile:

At the moment, i have a MC, and on hitTest, it calls both functions, but only one of them work. I’m not sure if it is my code that is wrong or what? Can somone take a look at it for me?

MovieClip.prototype.moveothers = function() {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.accel2 = _root.curboxsize/8;
this.decider = “_root.”+_root.lmoveone+"._x";
this.decider2 = “_root.”+_root.lmovetwo+"._x";
this.decider3 = “_root.”+_root.lmovethree+"._x";
this.decider -= this.accel2;
this.decider2 -= this.accel2;
this.decider3 -= this.accel2;
if (_root.curboxsize>=220) {
this.accel2 = 0;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

Thats the code. I basicaly have 4 MC’s, but only 2 on the fla since its an example. And when i rollover one of the mc’s, its suppose to move the x position of other movieclips.

The fla is below if you need it just incase the above was confusing. Hope you get it! Thanks! :beam:

[EDIT] I’m trying to call 2 functions on hitTest. Is it possible? because i tried tracing the second function but it doesn’t work (the trace) unless i take away the first function :-\ [/EDIT]

i know i may be asking too much, so i’ll try cutting down the problem…

How would you connect the strings? You know where ‘decider’ is and stuff? I think this may be the problem. Thanks