Canon Eos 300D

Is anyone here a professional photographer? I was wondering if you heard of the Canon Eos 300D also known as the Rebel.

I was wondering if it had video recording functions.

I am deciding on getting the Canon Eos 300D, unless you have any other suggestions on a camera with more features and around the same price.

I am going to use the camera for taken landscape photos of all sorts, night, afternoon and morning.

also for taken images of objects near, this is very important, the images must be very very clear on close ups and 50cm 1meter away. Do you have any sites which can help teach me how to stop glares, reflects and other handy photo taking tips?

Any tips or suggestions are welcomed!

thanks for the help.

This should be in random, or in a tech forum, but that’s ok. I’ll move the thread and then leave a redirect.

I don’t have an answer to your question, but I do own an old film based rebel. I can honestly say it’s the best film based camera I’ve ever used. From what I hear the Rebel series has always been a good one. I have not had the chance to check out any digital Rebels, but I have looked at them online and they seem to have good features for the price.

for what it’s worth. :slight_smile:


nice site about digital cameras.