Animations to stop

I have been using Flash 8 this week so I am very new. I need to know how to stop an animation on only 1 or 2 layers, so the others will continue to loop forever. I have added an action ‘stop();’ but this stops ALL animations

Any idea what to do?

I have a fla file that has 4 layers

  1. text layer
  2. logo layer
  3. graphic layer
  4. image (as base) layer

When the animation starts the first 3 layers animate. I have put a stop action on the graphic layer as I need the text and logo layer to continue to animate. At teh moment everything stops.

How can someone explain to me how to do teh Actionscript code for this to work. I am a newbe


To make an empty movieclip. Draw something on a new layer, anything, a box, cricle whatever. Then select it all and press F8, this will give you the option to create a new Movieclip, call it “loopy”. Now whatever you drew will be inside this movieclip. Its like a new timeline within a timeline. Now delete all the stuff you drew to create this moviecip. Click at the top “scene !” andyou’ll go back to your original file. Now select the frame in the timeline you want to loop. right click, cut frames. Now open your library (“ctrl+L” if its not open) select the movieclip you just made “loop”, once inside select the empty frame in the time and paste frames. Now click back to scene 1, hopefully it all lines up. Now when you press play the movieclip should loop as there is no stop function on it.

This is the tween way to do it with one piece of code. If your a newbie, then I’d recommend learning these basics before trying to do it all through script

Here is a “bad” example too