January 10, 2003, 5:37am
Hi there
Im trying to put a link on a button that i have…
Im using Dreamweaver , but since im new to this program im trying to figure
I know that i have to go to SITE MAP and open the page that i want to edit.
But the only think that i have on SITE MAP is the Main Page and all the files (PAGES, PICTURES, etc) that belong to the main page…, when i go to the html page (the one that i want to edit) i click open and nothing…
And i don´t have any plus or minus sign on the side of the files , so it seems that i cant go inside the another html pages thru the SITE MAP…
Any help would be great!
January 10, 2003, 5:52am
Problem 1) You go to File/Open to open your files in Dreamweaver.
Problem 2) You don’t add the link on your button inside dreamweaver, you create your button inside the Flash file and use getURL to call the link.
January 10, 2003, 6:14am
Hi there
But if i put the link on Flash program thru action script , how can i use the
same button for diferent links?!
Isn´t that a little bit confusing?
P.S. by the way , how are you doing…
January 10, 2003, 6:17am
Why would you use the same button to go to different URLs? What exactly is your situation?
BTW: I am fine, and yourself?
January 10, 2003, 6:24am
Let me explain ,
If i have a button and i want to copy and paste him for diferent pages,
and on each page when you click you go to diferent links…
See it as if it was like a back button , when you click you go back ( but where you going , depends where you are! )
im ok by the way…
January 10, 2003, 6:30am
If you want it as a back button like in a browser, there is no need to put a different URL on it each time.
Javascript can do that just fine.
on (release) {
The wonder of javascript allow you to go to the browsers history and back a page
Otherwise you will end up having to create multiple buttons :-\
January 10, 2003, 6:40am
Thanks for the help!
It looks like i will have to do diferent versions of the button…
So you saying that you never put links on the buttons thru Dreamweaver?!:-\
So why do i read it about the Site Map think…
Oh Well,
It’s time to get some sleep, after all its 6.35am here…
See you later and thanks again…
January 10, 2003, 6:43am
Ok, so I am supposing you are weren’t going for the browser back button type of back button then.
You can always use the same button symbol so you don’t have to redraw it though.
And no, you cannot use HTML to make a flash movie a link that I know of.
I am sure there is an easy way, but right now I am not up for thinking.
I agree with you on the getting sleep thing. Goodnight man.