it disappears because you have an empty keyframe in your over state of your button. And you have a fade in and out on your total button, not just the text below, for no reason at all.
look at using separate movie clips. One for your button, one for your fade in/fade out. You then put AS on the button for rollover gotoandplay(2), then on rollout, gotoandplay at the fadeout point.
I’ve made Progress! :thumb: I have it for the most part, I just need to know how to merge the two scenes. And if my code is correct for the button.
I have attached the .fla again in case you wanna check it out. I apologize for bothering you w/ my questions, I’m sure it’s simple, just no good resources can be found explaining what I’m looking for. I really appreciate your help. :flower:
I really suggest you hit the f1 key and do a few of the tutorials on buttons, movie clips, alpha fades, tweens, etc. before you go any further.
you have a blank black square as your “over” state, you have one symbol which is duplicated, and you haven’t any fade to target when your button is rolled over.
in other words, I suggest you get a basic knowledge of how Flash works before you continue. Otherwise, you will just be frustrating yourself as you go along. There is that much wrong with your file…