Caption Contest!

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wow what a view

*Originally posted by Seretha Blaze *
**How did you know??? My secret ninja team is actually sponsored by them…see for yourself.

There they are…ready for ACTION!! **
HAHA! too funny.

strongbad is my fictional hero…


haha i like that one phil

,and upon the final minutes, the Lord tapped Moses on the shoulder and said, ‘oh, yeah, thou shalt not hang objects from thine own rear view mirror…’

…can he swing on a thread, take a look overhead…hey there…there goes a spiderman


George George, George of the jungle… **

It is by my will alone I set my in motion.
It is by the juice of caffeine the thoughts aquire speed, the hands aquire grip, the tires aquire screech,
the screech becomes a warning-
it is by my will alone I set in motion

I can’t drive fifty fiiiiivvvveeeee…

This is for the pic…

"its a bird, its a plane, oh wait, its jesus christ…

porpous2- :stuck_out_tongue:

or you can just hit quote, and then edit the tags…

alex… your george of the jungle quote was funny…

… and stop using me… :esmirk::wink:

The Pope was getting into his limo one night when he turned to the limo driver and said, “Before I die, I would love to drive this beautiful limo just once.”
“Well, here,” the limo driver says, “Take the wheel, Your Holiness!”
Further down the road, the limo is stopped by a policeman who looks in the window, goes back to his squad car, calls dispatch and says, “I just pulled over someone real important and I don’t know what to do.”
“Well, who is it?” his dispatcher says, “The mayor? The governor? The president?”
“I don’t know,” the officer responds, “but the Pope’s his chauffer!”


no more quotes?

“Hang on, here comes some more spam from Lavaboy”


haha… that was funny