“So u guys say if a I look into these things I’ll see what the inside of my head looks like?”
‘AHhhhhh I’ve gone blind!’
Nice one jubba. Nice one:P
“Boy these binoculars are great… I can see all the way into the dark reaches of space with these!! What marvels this country can come up with…”
How do I turn this F&%$#@ thing on?
Personally, I like the way Bush is looking in a totally different direction than where the General is pointing… even with the lens cap off!
And while you’re at it, check this out:
“I see … eeeeeviiiiiiilllll !”
Umm… mr president the caps are still on the binoculars. Be gone you common man! I don’t need your balderdash advice. Now where was I? Ah yes, I was scientificmacally analysing this black gooblish, yes I am the bestest president thingie since that other guy, you know thw guy with the thing.