Caption This! Freaky Monkey

Caption this freaky little thing, doesn’t look at it, it scares me

  • Soul :s:

No, not dan in an electrongeek thong

The Billy Bussey site is mindboggingly awesome…must keep watching!

Hehe :beam:

The president, in his 25 consecutive term in office, is shocked to hear that after 100 years of rigorous searching in Ameriraq, formerly known as Iraq, no weapons of mass destruction were found.**

lol! :stuck_out_tongue: How is that the president? :stuck_out_tongue:

[size=1]it’s a bush joke <font style:“zoom=50%”>;)</font>[/size]

Realising what “special sauce” is


Ahhh! Soul spanks and strokes me too much!!

I told you four times allready… I am Alex…I’ve come back from the future, just check my avatar if you don’t believe me !!!

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Ahhh! Soul spanks and strokes me too much!! **

what a poor guy. the name of the image is retard.jpg :frowning:


oh no :frowning:

Lol. Retard.jpg.

Mommy, no! You can’t wear those EG thongs in public!


Following in EG’s footsteps, Phil Jayhan unveils his new lingerie collection.

Hmmmmm, Kit, has Manny (thor) posted his daily riddles? Can’t seem to find it.


Nope, not yet…

lol so far theyre all like kirupa member bashing comments :stuck_out_tongue: