ok… im a noob to kirupa so i dont know if i make the rules, or the mods do, and how i submit… if i were to make the rules they would be:
No copying
Use flash art only (can be converted into gif)
no voting for your own cartoon character
and dont animate it
and well… have fun lol
but i dont know if i make the rules or not, and can someone explain how i submit my junk to it?
Well I’d enter this, but I certainly wouldn’t say that I’d be kicking anyone’s arse.
If people wish, I will set up the thread in a minute with the rules. Just to outline them now, I’ll say that yes, it is a Flash only exercise and not drawn in Photoshop. So no fancy filters etc. You are allowed to export to Photoshop and save as a gif / jpg though. That’s permissible.
You can draw it on paper first, then scan in and trace and fill, but the thing has to be done in Flash. No gradient fills, you’ll have to shade by hand.
If anyone isn’t sure what I mean, then you can look at the line art tutorial on the main Kirupa site.
I’m all for this one… but can there be a kind of long due date? Like maybe a couple weeks or so? I’m really busy for the next few days so I was just wondering.