Theme: Create a Flash Cartoon Character on the theme of “My Posse”
Programs: Flash Only
Size: No bigger than 400 x 400 px
Competitors: xxviii, Kitiara, porpous2
Date: March 26th 2003 (two weeks)
You’re allowed to scan in an image and trace it in Flash, but the artwork must be Flash only, no Photoshop filters etc. Pure vector art, so no sneaky using gradient fills. Shading is done by ‘hand’.
OK, you have to create a cartoon character based on that theme. In this case, what I meant was like you and your friends. Pardon my Brit slang. You can take that idea in whatever direction you like.
Once you’re done, you can post your entry in the thread, either as an attachment or with an IMG tag. Then once the deadline has been reached, a poll will be posted so members can vote and comment on the entries.
hmm, i have a question, since u said make one like your friends and you, i started and im making like a whole picture with friends and me cartoony and not looking like them, but there is more then one cartoon character in that… is that ok or do i have to start over… arg lol
Alright, you’re all welcome to enter. Just make sure you get your entries posted before the deadline.
I’ll also clarify that although the theme is essentially “you and your friends”, you can make any number of characters in your image - one, two, three or more. As long as they’re drawn in Flash, I don’t mind.
i just finished my pic and i think that, before i mis read the directions. U said no bacrounds, i have one, and dosent that guy who just posted one, SHOOT, is there anyway i can have a backround? its ok if i cant
BTW: I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my clear disregard for the rules… What can I say, I like to cause ****. Honestly though, I didn’t think my grey circle would count as a background. Sheesh.
well, thats not it, it was because i misread the directions and spent hours on the backround, and i found out that i couldnt, and i didnt no what to say, i needed an excuse… although it wouldve been ok if i couldnt