OK, how about this?
I bet you’ve all seen cases like thermaltake or [URL=http://www.alienware.com]alienware .
But how about it if you guys designed your very own case?
You can decide if it’s going to be a desktop, midi-tower or big-tower.
If you do make a design, please make a couple of images so we can view them from different angles. (e.g. top, front, side, perspective)
No limits to software usage, just make sure the pics aren’t too big for the forum, or else place them on a different server.
Let’s see what you got!!! :beam:
February 8, 2004, 7:43am
I shall submit soon, this sounds intriguing! Case mods Rule! One question. Do the cases have to rely on the laws of physics? ie. shaped like a fish with legs or in other words, is it anything our minds can come up with?
February 9, 2004, 3:22pm
Absolutely anything our twisted minds can come up with. No need to adhere to the laws of physics!!!
February 11, 2004, 9:01pm
when is the pic due? (so I know how long to procrastinate)
February 12, 2004, 8:09am
I’d say no time limit, 'cause it’ll probably take a while before I can make mine, since I’m really busy with school work now.