Ok so far i’m pretty p!ssed off at MS and Sony, first of all wtf is MS thinking bout adding a HD-DVD external drive when they said they wouldnt do that B@stards, if its just for playing HD-DVD which im most definitely sure it is then I caould care less but it still is quite disconcerning.
And Sony hasnt even spoken about the PS3 hmm could the rumors of it not making it before christmas be ture? I wonder.
Nintendo is looking into some VR Visor technology probably to apply this to their “Revolution” although it is very reminescent of the virtual boy their worst mistake.
So far like I’ve said nothing interesting here in terms of consoles and I havent read much about the windows Vista, HP seems to have dropped the Apple and Pick up a Rhapsody.
Lets hope in the days left they announce the full idea of this HD-DVD addon and the “Fantasystation3”.
Oh I almost forgot to all you lucky x360 owners out there head on to xbox live marketplace and download the Fight Night Round 3 demo its amazing and best of all FREE :thumb:
Grim out.