Challenge for a good Flasher

Well here is what I want to know, how to make the flash movie I have created loop twice when the web site loads, and then go away.
I included the file of my work so that anyone willing to help can get a little more info. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE
maybe sum action script would do the trick.


Um… Any reason for creating 3 different threads with the same question??? Maybe you think you are expanding your chance to get some answer, but as a matter of fact, you are slimming the chance… People here hate people who crossposts… :frowning:

In your opinion, but its more of a way for me to meet nice people like you. Oh yea and thanks for tryin to help me solve my puzzle…


Suit yourself then… I am sure there should be nicer people who are willing to help you… =)

Actually, soccerstar was banned just now for causing trouble and such in other threads.

Ouch… Don’t know what he did, but was that really necessary??? Wonder what he did, though…

he was trying to get banned…


Pretty much. Name calling, foul language, telling people to die, inappropriate forum talk.

I think it is a few people who enjoy seeing how many user names they can use up…



Yeah, but at least Kirupa could always remove them from the database if he wanted.

I see that he/she deserves it… Funny to hear that he banned himself… Why not share his IP address with other forums??? Or, better yet, call his mom to kick him out… :evil:

*Originally posted by CyanBlue *
**I see that he/she deserves it… Funny to hear that he banned himself… Why not share his IP address with other forums??? Or, better yet, call his mom to kick him out… :evil: **

thats funny, he’s probahly 12, wouldn’t want to get him kicked out at such an early age :smirk:

Let’s play nice everyone :slight_smile: Actually, soccerstar was banned because someone else gained access to the forums from his comp. From what I’ve read from him, he seems like a good-natured individual =)

Kirupa C:-)

Well… He didn’t cause any trouble at the yet… :wink:

If what he says is true, he learn what identity theft is too early… :frowning:

So, did you unban him, Kirupa???

what’s the matter cyan?
scared of getting kicked? :wink:

like kirupa btw :slight_smile:
hope it’s as good as they say it is.

friendly greetings

Arg!! invasion!!

pom :stuck_out_tongue:

héhé pom!
what’s up with the name changing?

scared of getting recognized? :wink:

guess the invasion is part due to the downtime (but with those extra urls that should be solved) and part thanx to the fact that kirupa sort of looks like from style and resources…


ha ha


You guys are just confused :beam:

The member that was banned is !@*& (aka raed)… He calls himself soccer star, and co-incidentially there’s another member with the name soccerstar! :beam:

He does NOT get on

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Let’s play nice everyone :slight_smile: Actually, soccerstar was banned because someone else gained access to the forums from his comp. From what I’ve read from him, he seems like a good-natured individual =)

Kirupa C:-) **
Actually no, raed himself did post this. I’ve been told by him :stuck_out_tongue:


Registered: Mar 2003
Location: California
Posts: 52

There was a member named soccerstar that was banned. He kept saying that his brother was getting on his computer and banning him. It was a while ago. The IPs are completely different.