Customizing combobox scrollbar!?

i’m at a loss . . . i searched and searched . . . any help would be cool!

in flash 8, i have a combo box component with instance name “gallery_cb” that i’ve customized a bit with setStyle.

acionscript on the first frame of the movie (and NOT on the component) is:

import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;

var new_style:Object = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.styles.myStyle = new_style;

new_style.setStyle(“textAlign”, “left”);
new_style.setStyle(“selectionColor”, “0xAAAAAA”);
new_style.setStyle(“useRollOver”, true);
new_style.setStyle(“rollOverColor”, “0xAAAAAA”);

// borderStyle from RectBorder class
new_style.setStyle(“borderStyle”, “none”);
gallery_cb.setStyle(“styleName”, “myStyle”);

i’d LOVE to at least change the color of the combobox scrollbar components and at most edit the scrollbar images themselves, but i can’t seem to figure it out. i’ve read a LOT of skinning and style tutorials and now i am even more confused than before . . . any suggestions?

