Cheap n00by way of getting an Avatar battle!

Hi every1, check out my sweet Cheap n00by avatar!

This isnt really a battle, althought as u can see…i really do need a decent avatar, i mean look, a stupid pixelated beacker with some green “kh3mical”

lol, so anyways, i wanna see who can make me the best avatar, i dont care how u make it or even it if only takes 30 secs of PS, i dont care, as long as its better than mine! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Good luck (if any1 actually bothers doing it) LOL;)

i made a really good one which i think u will find very useful, its in the attatchment.

making it was no problem so there is no need for thanks,


Yeah, use that one

what soul said

preach the faith soul !! :thumb:




omg, wats with u people. wat have i actually done to make you guys hate me???

it’s just a joke, kh3m, no one hates you :wink:

kartik, there’s a difference between having fun and making fun.

i hate you, because im a :block: .

its not that we hate you K3 its just that … well … ummmm
well hate is a very strong word…dislike maybe …

nah just joking around, i thikn everyone here is just playing around.

As jaz said there is a difference between having funa and making fun !!!


im not joking.

[SIZE=1]PS. remind me to reply “im joking” in about a week, im lazy. thx.[/SIZE]

not soul, he’s had it in for me since the beggining

ok end the topic, peace

Do not presume things

#1: ‘assumption is the brother of all fck-ups’
#2: 'mother. assumption is the mother of all f
#1: ‘mothers, brothers, any other suckers!’



im watching u soul. watches soul for 5 minutes gets bored and go watches TV

the forums are starting to heat up !!

maybe we should have a flaming forum as well …

peace everyone peace