sup guys…been long since ive done a battle. pretty sure u guys can cream me anytime. havent done any ps or used ps for like 3 months or so. just wanna get my skills back. so anyone wanna battle me?
What about a face morphing?
Ok, 250 lines of AS, by tomorrow, theme: nature.
You wanted to battle me, didn’t ya ? :bad:
we can do nature…set up more rules voe…than we get this rolling.
Lol nah I was just kidding, I don’t have the time for that. I’d love to battle, but I’m way too busy atm. I was just joking around about the title " I want to battle you " so I agreed in you battling me on AS, not design
wats AS? didnt see that…only thing in my head was the ps battle.
Lol, AS == ActionScript
Look at his footer, then decide if you really want to put yourself through that…
hahah…id totatly get owned. anyways…anyone wanna battle me?
I’d like to but I’ve never done a battle before, so my entry would probably suck…
i’d like to battle !
ok mlk, make rules so we can get this on the go.
Battle Contestants: silentgear vs mlk
Theme: Picturesque oxymorons ! (look at the explanation below)
Rounds: I propose a maximum of 3 each, because I’m not sure I’ll have time to do more. Let’s not put date restrictions but try to finish it quickly
Other things: this would be better if it wasn’t an all around grunge battle, let’s diversify the trends a bit !
Okay here’s for the explanation. Each contestant chooses a pic and a name/object/thought that is somehow the opposite of the pic. The contestant’s task is to twist the image to make it closer to the name/object/thought.
I’ll lauch the thing: using this pic:
(the hi quality version of course), you have to work on a ‘War Machine’
Other things: let’s try to keep our picture ressources to sxc…
no room for more??
wow this battle sounds hardcore. for sure.
i’d like to join. especially if it’s only 3 rounds per person. that’s a fairly short battle.
and i love the theme idea. seriously. i think you should give me more examples though so i can understand it more.
do you guys care if I join? have a 3-way?
i won’t feel bad if you say no. not a big deal to me.
oops i just realized that a third person was the one that asked if they could join. my bad. you can count me out or in- either way. 4 way with me and flashmatazz and you two, or 3 way with flashmatazz and you guys… or just you guys by yerselves. whatever. it’s all good. i’ll watch for sure.
me too! I’d like to know what will happen to that cute little bunny
and if I can join in, let me know.
yeah same here. the theme/idea of the whole thing sounds freakin awesome.
i think you should turn the bunny into a robot. make it a grungy dark wallpaper
you guys can go in if mlk is ok with it.