I want to battle YOU!

sup guys…been long since ive done a battle. pretty sure u guys can cream me anytime. havent done any ps or used ps for like 3 months or so. just wanna get my skills back. so anyone wanna battle me?

What about a face morphing?


Ok, 250 lines of AS, by tomorrow, theme: nature.
You wanted to battle me, didn’t ya ? :bad::stuck_out_tongue:

we can do nature…set up more rules voe…than we get this rolling.

Lol nah I was just kidding, I don’t have the time for that. I’d love to battle, but I’m way too busy atm. I was just joking around about the title " I want to battle you " so I agreed in you battling me on AS, not design :stuck_out_tongue:

wats AS? didnt see that…only thing in my head was the ps battle.

Lol, AS == ActionScript :slight_smile:

Look at his footer, then decide if you really want to put yourself through that… :slight_smile:

hahah…id totatly get owned. anyways…anyone wanna battle me?

I’d like to but I’ve never done a battle before, so my entry would probably suck…

i’d like to battle !

ok mlk, make rules so we can get this on the go.


Battle Contestants: silentgear vs mlk
Theme: Picturesque oxymorons ! (look at the explanation below)
Rounds: I propose a maximum of 3 each, because I’m not sure I’ll have time to do more. Let’s not put date restrictions but try to finish it quickly

Other things: this would be better if it wasn’t an all around grunge battle, let’s diversify the trends a bit !

Okay here’s for the explanation. Each contestant chooses a pic and a name/object/thought that is somehow the opposite of the pic. The contestant’s task is to twist the image to make it closer to the name/object/thought.

I’ll lauch the thing: using this pic: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=173199
(the hi quality version of course), you have to work on a ‘War Machine’

Other things: let’s try to keep our picture ressources to sxc…

no room for more??

wow this battle sounds hardcore. for sure.
i’d like to join. especially if it’s only 3 rounds per person. that’s a fairly short battle.

and i love the theme idea. seriously. i think you should give me more examples though so i can understand it more.

do you guys care if I join? have a 3-way?
i won’t feel bad if you say no. not a big deal to me. :slight_smile:

oops i just realized that a third person was the one that asked if they could join. my bad. you can count me out or in- either way. 4 way with me and flashmatazz and you two, or 3 way with flashmatazz and you guys… or just you guys by yerselves. whatever. :slight_smile: it’s all good. i’ll watch for sure.

me too! I’d like to know what will happen to that cute little bunny :stuck_out_tongue:

and if I can join in, let me know.

yeah same here. the theme/idea of the whole thing sounds freakin awesome.

i think you should turn the bunny into a robot. make it a grungy dark wallpaper

you guys can go in if mlk is ok with it.