Check out how to make auto voice messages on msn

hey guess what i found out how to do it
on msn plus type “/sevillaugh” “/sbrb” “/shello” “/skiss” there are many more but i dont know the others i know those for now

and check out what happens

thanks for the undercover info! LoL.

Yeah. I kinda knew those. I think you should introduce people to MSN Plus before you introduce them to it’s features.

Try /patchou in it, …uh, !*@&… can I call you soccer?

i thought ppl already knew it
so i did not introduce them to it
and u can call me soccer
i have no problems with that in fact i like it

:slight_smile: Yes, well, try /patchou, soccer.

And… uh… /away, I think.
/busy <insert auto-message here>

…the list goes on