Check this one. Thanks

Thanks about your opinion.

Se ve bastante bien. :slight_smile:

A couple of things: I’d get rid of the Xpos Ypos readers. They don’t do anything for your site except be annoying. Also I think the sounds you are using are a little… hard for the look of the site. It looks like it should have softer, more "swoosh"ing sounds, if you get my drift…

Nothing major though, good work. :slight_smile:


i agree, the x and y things are really annoying. anyways, the site was really clean and easy to navigate. Nice Job.:beam:

yes get rid of those. Distracting and annoying…

yes, get rid of them. lol.
and you should add transitions to the images that load. not just make them appear. i like the sfx. very good. nothing spectacular about the layout, but simple and clean. very nice.

and i think you are going against copyright laws for putting the smashing pumpkins up. if your kene on having it up, at least put a instrumental version, its less destracting that way.

Nice work man,
really like ur site…
unfortunatly , idon’t speak espanol as well, but i was lost once in the trabajos section… didn’t find any index link !:frowning:

one negative point, i don’t really like the flashin effect with coordonate.

Keepin good !

*Originally posted by Kyochew *
**Nice work man,
really like ur site…
unfortunatly , idon’t speak espanol as well, but i was lost once in the trabajos section… didn’t find any index link !:frowning:

one negative point, i don’t really like the flashin effect with coordonate.

Keepin good !
seeya **

Click the TRABAJOS section and take a look to the TOP NAV BAR. You will find RECLAMOS PUBLICITARIOS ( with 3 D environment and a nice ball … :stunned: )

And ´for everybody:

I´m thinking by popular demand about taking out the X & Y coodinates.

What about a poll on that ?:geek:

Since everyones opinion is “Remove” I think a poll would be unnessecary :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**Since everyones opinion is “Remove” I think a poll would be unnessecary :slight_smile: **

Was a joke, man ( can you see the last smile I wrote ? ). I know the testing of my web is not a reason to do a poll.

There are more important things to discuss about that my X & Y coordinates.

Sorry for the inconvenience ( & about my pour english ).

Thanks again all.

Holla!! Como estas? <-- thats the extent of my spanish LOL. I could only understand a few words on the site (even after three years of studying spanish). Anyway very cool looking site. I would get rid of those xpos ypos things. (looks to weird). and i guess thats it. nice content :thumb:

turn the music volume down a bit. I just crapped my pants


mmm. Nice to see how people can improve the site. Go on with your opinions and in a copuple of days …

me gusta tu sitio !

pero, tambien opino lo mismo quita lo de las X y Y las imagenes de fondo estan con madre. ahora solamente le falta el contenido, te sugiero unos recuadros semitransparentes y dragables para darle un toque de interactividad mayor :smiley:

solo sugerencia…

buen sitio

BTW… if no one understood… sorry! lol!

Nice to see spanish viewers. Thanks a lot !!!

Changes comming to my site in a few days !!! & a surprise for all of you :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by thediablo *
**me gusta tu sitio !

pero, tambien opino lo mismo quita lo de las X y Y las imagenes de fondo estan con madre. ahora solamente le falta el contenido, te sugiero unos recuadros semitransparentes y dragables para darle un toque de interactividad mayor :smiley:

solo sugerencia…

buen sitio

BTW… if no one understood… sorry! lol! **

Oooops, spanish talking viewers. Sorry.

OK MEN, by popular demmand X & Y have been taken OUT.

But they are now in my footer.

Of course its a joke.

Tell me what you think :slight_smile:

lol @ teh footer :slight_smile: