Church conspiracy

I just went to the beach for a jog and on the way there I drove past a private school. It occurred to me that all the private schools are run buy the church.

So one has to ask, why does the church run all the private schools ?

Below is why I think they do.

The only kids that can really afford to go to private schools are from rich families. These rich families want their kids to get the best education possible, understandable.

So they send them to private schools, where thanks to the astronomical fees and donations. They can afford the best teachers and equipment.

If schools where highly profitable, there would be companies opening up schools all over the place. So why then does the church do it ?

I believe it is because these children are more inclined to grow up and find themselves in positions of power and wealth. So the church wants to get there hands on them early so that they can brain wash them into religion, and supporting the church.

This is my logical explanation……
Does anyone have any comments or a contradicting theory ?

Well I found out how the church can afford to run a private school and no one else can.

They own vast property empires, manage hundreds of millions of dollars in investments and operate a wide range of profitable businesses across the nation.

They are the churches and religious communities.

Their combined wealth in Australia amounts to over $1 billion and yet their income is, and has always been, exempt from tax.

Over 100 years ago, the Seventh Day Adventist Church established Sanitarium Foods to fulfil its mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Today’s Sanitarium holds 25 per cent of Australia’s breakfast cereal market and is a $300 million a year business.

*Originally posted by bamb0006 *
**I believe it is because these children are more inclined to grow up and find themselves in positions of power and wealth. So the church wants to get there hands on them early so that they can brain wash them into religion, and supporting the church. **

Well, just because children happen to go to a private school does not mean they will necessarily be better off than the rest of the population. Private schools have the same problems that public schools have, for kids will be kids…even in a stricter private school environment. Also, a private company (Edison?) did run portions of Philadelphia schools in the US a while ago. I don’t think they are in that business any more though. Probably lack of profitability or they were kicked out for poor performance.

Also, I am not sure how many people who are “brainwashed” either religiously, socially, etc. end up becoming powerful or wealthy. Could it be that they follow religion by choice?

One of the biggest advantages that private schools have over public schools is that they aren’t shackled by gov’t rules and regulations. There is none of the political correctness and out-of-the way accomodations for troublemakers, the lazy ones, etc.

Public schools have to cater to the needs of everyone - hence them being “Public.” Private schools don’t have to. They can choose disciplanry measures, academic curriculums (which may be better than those of mediocre public schools), etc. without the political intervention of the school boards, etc.

In a public school, a guy who causes a lot of trouble might be given a “special” class. For bad behavior is not a problem - it’s a disability. Ritalin will solve all of your behavioral problems. In a private school, the teacher would probably hit that kid with a yardstick and tell him to finish the work or get kicked out.


Well, just because children happen to go to a private school does not mean they will necessarily be better off

That’s exactly why I said “more inclined”

I am not sure how many people who are “brainwashed”

When I say brainwashed I am using it the sense that if you attend these private schools then you are forced to take religion as a part of your curriculum.
Why force people to take these classes, why not give them the choice ?

be better off than the rest of the population

Sorry I don’t have the statistics, but it is well known, at least here in Australia, that over all people who go to private schools get better marks and more of them, go on to UNI as compared to public schools.

I did enroll in a private school the day before a 2 week break, I was going to pay my way through as I was working. I was willing to be forced feed their religion, and I was asked by the Dean to cut my hair before I started.

Well forcing me to sit in a class room isn’t going to change my beliefs so that didn’t bother me.
But having to change my hair……. My hair cut does not affect my ability to study and I believe that we all have the right to be individuals.

Needless to say, I never attend that school and went to a public one instead.

Although I agree with basically everything you said Kirupa, it doesn’t explain why the church chooses to run schools for the rich.

(I had a rats/pony tail that went half way down my back, all I had to do was snip that off.)
I did about 3 months later by my own choice……

Churches have the people and the resources. The religion just comes with the territory :slight_smile:

The only people they need to run a school is the teachers, the Dean and a small staff… oh and a priest.

The only reason they get the best teachers, is cause they pay a lot better than pubic schools.

If you send your kid to a private school ran by a church, i would logically think that your kid would be taught religion.

Not all private schools are church sponsored schools. My wifes 7 year old nephew (who’s parents have more money than God) goes to a private school that is not run by a church. His parents put him in this school because he was struggeling in public school.

There are church run schools however, and I think there are a lot because there are many parents who want their children to learn school type things along with religion. Many parents think the 2 go hand in hand, and you cannot get religion to any degree in public schools in this day and age. This is one of the big reasons my wife homeschools our kids. At this point we cannot afford a private school, but public school does not teach that which we as parents find necessary.

On another note, I would like to see the school vouchers system pass so parents can decide where to send their kids to school regardless of the amount of money the parent make.

If you send your kid to a private school ran by a church, i would logically think that your kid would be taught religion.

I would have thought that it was a logical that they would offer you excellent classes in religion, not force you to take them.

The public high school I attended had religion classes, but with a note from your parents you could get out of it. Indecently my parents are Church of England, I was baptized Church of England. But I was always allowed to believe what I wanted.

blindlizard Not all private schools are church sponsored schools.

Perhaps there, but I am not aware of a single private school in Australia that isn’t run by the church.

blindlizard because there are many parents who want their children to learn school type things along with religion. Many parents think the 2 go hand in hand, and you cannot get religion to any degree in public schools in this day and age.

Even though high schools here have/had religious classes, I had many friends who went to religious schools after school.
I find it funny that you can’t get any religion in public schools there. You don’t have to force kids to take classes, you can offer them the choice.
I find it funny that your politicians and presidents always portray themselves as religious, yet they don’t provide for religion in schools. I guess it’s either because they are not religious, there just trying to appeal to the masses, or because they don’t care as they can afford to send their kids to private schools.
On the note of politics and religion.
Why is it that if the president declared that he was not religious, and didn’t believe in God. People that do believe in God would be screaming and he would be receiving death threats from these people in no time.
Yet when he shows that he is religious, people that are not religious couldn’t care less ?

blindlizard This is one of the big reasons my wife homeschools our kids

I like the idea of home schooling, I think some parents could do a way better job than any school. I believe that I also heard that they were going to allow people who where home schooled to sit an exam so that they could get into college ?

blindlizard On another note, I would like to see the school vouchers system pass so parents can decide where to send their kids to school regardless of the amount of money the parent make.

I have not heard of the school voucher system, care to comment on what it is ?

I am under the assumption that there are a number of voucher systems in the US, including those for unemployment.

There is not a single voucher system here in Australia, indecently as I am studying I get $354.75 USD a fortnight from the government.

If you were unemployed you would get the same. Only difference is that you have to hand in a form every fortnight with the names of 4 employers you contacted for work.
If you have been on unemployment for 6 months, they send you off for various training. This could include interview skills, training in word, excel, access etc……
You also sign up for what’s called a job network member. They keep your information on file and contact you when suitable employment comes along. Hell, the first time you visit them you fill in a questionnaire and they prepare a resume for you.
They also have computers, internet and photocopying facilities for you, and can assist you with any of your needs
But your local employment office also provides computers, internet and photocopying.

Is it anything like this in the US ?

I went to a private elementry school (my middle and highschool schools were public) and it wasn’t run by the church. Thought I should add that.

I know personally, being someone who attended Catholic schooling for 12 years, it was me being forced to study religion which made me abandon mine.

Anyway, the Voucher System, in short, gives back the parents’ money they paid in school taxes and allows them to send their children to a private school instead of being forced into sending their kids to public school.

I happen to NOT like this idea at all. I think that public schools need all the money they can get (the ones in Philadelphia do!), and that even with the money, some students wouldn’t be able to get into private schools due to poor academics.

I don’t think we should NEED a voucher system if we had tougher standards in public schools, and left kids back a grade if they performed poorly. There was once a time when kids were accountable for their actions and grades. There should be specialized schools for trouble makers, and more parents should become involved with the progress of their students.

I dunno if that all made sense, I only had 2 hours sleep last night, and I’m running on fumes here.

Vouchers might be the answer… I’d like to see waste in the education system illiminated FIRST though. Until we know what it REALLY costs to educate someone, we cannot know for sure if vouchers will work at all or if they will just agrivate the problem more.

I like the idea of home schooling, I think some parents could do a way better job than any school. I believe that I also heard that they were going to allow people who where home schooled to sit an exam so that they could get into college ?
There are colleges that are working hard to recruit homeschoold kids. And there are some public schools that allow homeschoolers to play sports there.

I have not heard of the school voucher system, care to comment on what it is ?
The school voutcher system is a system that would give parents a check (voutcher) to use at any school they choose. So, insted of sending your child to the local public school, you can send them to any public school, or private school, or use the money to homeschool. Schools would make there money by getting the voutchers from the parents. If a school sucked then parents wouldn’t use it and the school would potentially close. This would I think create only good schools and would create a veriety of schools so if you have a more hands on kid then you could find a school like there were as if you kid was more book driven then you would choose a school focused on that.

Blindlizard, I am very curious since your kids are homeschooled do you think that they might have social problems? Not in the way of crime, I just mean communication? The reason I ask, is that I have one freind who was homeschooled and his social skills are extremly poor, but I don’t want to judge homeschooling it on what happened to one person. I can clearly see the advantages of Homeschooling, for one your kid can’t slak off :D.

Not at all. I think my kids get more interaction this way then they would at public school. My 6 year old is in Cub Scouts which his pack is all homeschooled kids. he also takes a spanish class every Monday evening at a language center. My wife is on the Austin Area Homeschoolers list which brings all the homeschooled families in Austin together (homeschooling is huge here). They have something going on every day. Today they had a valatines party at a bowling alley. We had to send my 6 year old and my 3 year old with 150 valantines each to give out. The entire bowling alley was full of homeschooled kids and parents. They also have museum days where the museums have free adminssion for homeschools. The last one boasted 5000 visitors that day! My wife jokes that with all the activities she takes them to it is hard to find time to do any kind of school work. And on that note, she only sits down with him about 2 hours a day (and usually not consecutivly). But, he is learning all day from us both. I have the advantage of working from home, so we go and do things as a family all the time, and I make sure to talk about school things. like in the car we will go over states and capitals or multiplication tables.

My 6 year old is also very outgoing. He seems to get along with audults better than most kids I know (which is a pattern you see with homeschooled kids). He can have a conversation with adults that would blow you away. My step-dad always talks about how good Mikey’s vocabulary is when we go back to Arizona to visit. The other day there was a lady at Target in line behind us talking to him as he was explaining to her that Taget makes it’s money by buying items low and selling them at a premium to those of us in line. Her response was, “oh my God, that is economics…how old is he?” :slight_smile:

Homeschooled children vary. Some have good social skills with adults, however lack those same skills when it comes to dealing with other children their own age. Some have terrible communication/social skills with any age group. Others react just as a “normal” child would in any given situation.

Blind: I’m interested to know if you notice anything strange about your child/children when they interact with other children about their own age group. Is there hesitation between them? Do they converse? Mindless playing? etc… Because often a child that can articulate thoughts that can provoke conversation among adults will have a difficult time relating to children of their own age group. The play aspect is still there, they still are children after all, but you won’t hear the same types of conversations between them that would “normally” expect to hear…

My 6 year old has friends his age that he plays with just fine, like those in his cub scout den. However, he tends to move toward playing with older kids. The other day the homeschoolers in Austin had a park day, and Mikey spent the day playing with the 12-15 year olds. My wife said they accepted him like one of their own. Something to think about is when else in a persons life are they stuck with all people their same age other than school? and with our public school system not only are the kids the same age, most come from the same social/economic backgrounds.

Also, there are kids that get along with others that go to school and that don’t and vice versa. I really think it is more about parenting than schooling.