ok ok… i finished reading the first posts
and yes i am a ****.
i have a very short attention span so i don’t normally finish thin… look a dog
ok ok… i finished reading the first posts
and yes i am a ****.
i have a very short attention span so i don’t normally finish thin… look a dog
Argh! That dog is forced into my email sig - burn it!
awwww… he’s so cute…
"OI! Churchill! Could yaou save me mah-hunny…[gunshot sound comes from kit’s general direction]
awwww… you love the dog really
uhh… mah-hunny… no it’s money:thumb:
Oi Churchill! Are you going to make us all redundant? :sure:
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Oi Churchill! Are you going to make us all redundant? :sure: **
“oooooh no no no no no no no”
Very clever… But because you just shot him (according to asphaltcowboy) would you be surprised
I was actually getting at Kit shooting me… but… you’re right… she’d never do anything that terrible, would you dear?
Considering the mood I’m in now?
er! I rescued you from a potentially deadly situation! well… kinda
can we not file some sort of Restraining order
and someone get the dog some body armour
Its all good kit. Perhaps they will offer you some of those nice coprorate benefits.
401Ks (or Euro equivalent) stocks…
it could be a really good thing.
Well, we’ve just had a briefing from one of the Directors, and things are looking alright for the time being.
There’s talk of losing the Development House over in India and merging some of the IT support areas, but it seems as if eCommerce is safe.
I guess we’ll just have to see what happens over the next few months really.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**The dog is rolling in the stuff… :sure: **
I say we cook it.
I thought you only eat babies
heh heh :beam: . Instead of saving you pounds, cooking him would help you put a few on!
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Well, we’ve just had a briefing from one of the Directors, and things are looking alright for the time being.
There’s talk of losing the Development House over in India and merging some of the IT support areas, but it seems as if eCommerce is safe.
I guess we’ll just have to see what happens over the next few months really. **
they could hardly get rid of the eCommerce section… aren’t you the only one there/qualified?
I don’t only eat babies… they just supliment my diet with extra protein and juicy-meaty-flavor.
well, you know what they: well balanced diet, well balanced… um… something
i think its mind, but I’m sure that it doesn’t apply in this case. :crazy:
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