
Well, we’ve been bought… :-\

I promised I would let you know any news as soon as possible. I now have some.

In the last few hours, The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) reached agreement with Credit Suisse Group (CS) to acquire Churchill Group.

Our success has made us very attractive to potential purchasers and, over the years, many companies have wanted to buy us. Finally, RBS, CS and ourselves think this is the right deal for everybody.

A deal of this magnitude has to be approved by all sorts of regulatory authorities (for example the Office of Fair Trading and the Financial Services Authority) which could take some time.

The Churchill Group is a fantastic company. We are successful, profitable, award-winning and one of the best companies to work for in the UK. RBS Group are a very strong, ambitious shareholder able to support our continued success and fund further growth. You will, today, receive a leaflet giving you some details about the RBS Group.

You will undoubtedly have some concerns and questions to ask. Anything that is on your mind, please ask us. Email your questions to GB-CH QUESTIONS and we will respond, as usual, quickly and honestly.

While we are working through the next steps, for all of us who work for Churchill Group, and everyone else connected with us, it’s “business as usual”. I rely on you to do what you have always done; delight our customers and work well together.

I’ll keep you informed.

Martin Long


Will you still have your job?

  • Soul :s:

As far as I can tell. It’s absolute bloody choas here at the moment.

I <i>think</i> that we’re staying exactly the same, just owned by Royal Bank instead of Credit Suisse.

things change…

I think the CEO gets about 75 million out of this.

We get denials then this. :angry:

Still, we’d already guessed it was on the cards, so we’re not really surprised. :sure:

Hows the dog? Mah-honey? :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

The dog is rolling in the stuff… :sure:

Hi Kit

The company I work for was bought recently by Rolls-Royce, so I had to smile at your ‘absolute bloody chaos’ comment - I’ve been there!

From this (and others) experience design is an area that will change - but probably only at a pedantic level. Publishing rules, for example. Years ago I developed a website for Royal Bank Insurance Service and I got a rule book nearly two inches thick which covered such gems as where the logo can be placed on a page, and how much clear space was to be available around it measured in mms on diagonal, horizontal and vertical planes.

Essentially, Churchill has a strong brand in the UK and the RBS won’t want to dilute that, so I think the worst thing you’ll have to fear is having to put designs through an extra layer of approval - that and the two-inch rule book!

So get Churchill’s redesign out there before they get a chance to get involved - your design will be much better than they can do.

How is the redesign going? You said that we’d get a sneak preview - go on girl, give us the URL!!


Yeah - look at :stuck_out_tongue:

Sneak preview will follow shortly. :slight_smile:

Generic Churchill Employee #44: “oi! churchill! could yaou save me … job… plz” :slight_smile:

(they all have Yorkshire accents y’see :))

Look forward to that Kit :slight_smile:

Additional info here on purchase:



Cool… Well, not cool, as it’s mentioning job cuts, but we saw that coming too.

I guess we’ll just have to see what happens…

Hey Kit, I am just curious… Are Churchill now dead, the name and all?

How will this affect me car insurance? Does it change?

You’ll be fine Kit - you’re too good to lose; and remember your value to the group.

You are the one that is familiar with the image and brand of Churchill and the one that knows how to represent its values to Churchill’s target market.

The designers/compilers at RBS aren’t and don’t.

Everyone is sad to hear of any job losses, but thankfully I believe you will not be directly affected.


*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I <i>think</i> that we’re staying exactly the same, just owned by Royal Bank instead of Credit Suisse. **

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I <i>think</i> **

which would suggest that she doesnt know? :wink:
and hence renders the question ‘silly’ :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

They’re definitely keeping the Churchill brand, and keeping it separate from the Direct Line brand. So you won’t lose the dog. :slight_smile:

As far as we can work out, it is basically business as usual at least for the time being…

Thanks for the support my friends. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**which would suggest that she doesnt know? :wink:
and hence renders the question ‘silly’ :stuck_out_tongue: :beam: **

thank you Kit

see asphaltcowboy:trout:

lol! that’s exactly what she said before! you m0ng :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: