
It’s 12:30pm here in England, and I’ve only just got into work.

It snowed last night, about 1 maybe 2cm. Consequently this morning, the entire public transport system into London has ground to a standstill.

I got to the train station this morning at 8:45, to be told that the 5:45 train still hadn’t arrived and wouldn’t be doing so for another 3 hours. Okaaaay. They told us to go home, and not use the trains at all.

So we drove in. And the motorways are full because no-one can get a train.


The weather forecast last nigth said there would be a little bit of snow. How come the railway companies were <i>still</i> taken by surprise? You’d think they’re be prepared for this by now. It’s the same every year… :scream: :angry:

well we’ve known for a long time that the rail system in the uk is terrible and especially in place like london where the demand is more than ever…

oh and it snowed here earlier…

Whereabouts are you then?

And I make / design / maintain the whole Churchill site. We’re also in charge of Nationwide, Prudential, CSG Claims, NIG… A whole bunch of stuff.

I honestly do a lot of work during the day, but the changes and updates etc don’t come in on a regular basis, so I can spend time researching or writing reports. That’s when I surf the web. :slight_smile:

Of course you do :wink:

I live in Yorkshire.

Wow, your my claim to fame, I know the webmaster of Churchill. That little dog reminds me of you, no offence haha :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

i live near york about 4 hours drive from london :sleep:

sounds like a great job…

web designing is what i want to get into eventually

i live in the north west its frezing here but no snow… yet i just found out my little town of 60.000 people has the second highlest murder rate in england after manchester also we got the highest sucide rate, drug abuse rate and alot more what a nice town i live in lol


p.s im talkin about the car dog… the car dog yeh i love them ads hahaha i need the car dog song actually when i get home i may download it





i dont love manchester

yeh i live in barrow about 1 hour os so from manchester

You like the adverts?!? I guess you get more irritated by them the longer you work here. And of course I’m only famous to other British people - Americans have no idea what Churchill the Dog is. Lucky them.

If you want soundbites of the dog, go to and have a look in there. There’s video, audio, all sorts of stuff…

2cm? how come public transport stopped for a little snowflake like that?
He have half a metre in some places here!:elderly:
oh and btw novatake the size limit of a footer is 15kb! And the one you have now makes my computer slow as hell! I can’t scroll this page properly! The browser responses every 2 secónds or so…:!: :):beam:


i geuss some people just arn’t happy enough with the ad its self…


Have you met the dog in person? You got his autograph? :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

The UK transport system is banjoed anyway. Give Connex 2cm of snow and they’ll close down for a week. It wasn’t as if it was a total shock to them - the news said last night that snow was forecast.

t’s the same with autumn. Every year, the leaves falling from the trees catches them unawares…

and then in summer when the heat swells the rails…

and in spring when the rain wets the tracks too much

and then they strike

what a great country we have.

I have not met the dog.

I do not have his autograph.

I’m going to have to be cruel to be kind here. The dog is not real. It’s just a small bloke dressed in a dog suit…

I’m sorry if this has shattered your illusions… :slight_smile:

No! Say its not true! :*(

what a sad little life you have soul… heehee :elderly:

i once new an old man who was small and he had a dog suit. but nothing as exciting as churchil car insurance… oh and also haahaa pet insurance

what do you think of the snow kit… do you like it?