I am wondering how would i go about designing some cool looking ice cubes in cinema 4d with reflections??
Any advice will be great thanks =)
I am wondering how would i go about designing some cool looking ice cubes in cinema 4d with reflections??
Any advice will be great thanks =)
Davy!! Ah finally your getting into the 3d!
definately polygon modelling would be they way to go with a lot of smoothing. A nice shiny transparent material with a refraction of about 1.575. A cube primitive to start. hmmm what else. Actually I think I say a tut on www.3dbuzz.com. Not much knowledge of cinema but it should be relatively easy.
good project. i would think a melt modifyer might help too?
check out my sad attempt at ice cubes , lol,
3d-iva where is the tutorial ?
:::took the image out cause it sucked , lol
Soulty, looks kinda like contreat. If there was like a glare on them it would look a whole lot better.
i know, i was only playing around , lol, havent really used cinema before, just jumped in and press stuff. lol, if you want i could make a ice particle storm in maya!
lol that would be sooo cool! i threw open 3ds and got a pretty good looking one going but then of course i couldnt get a material…grr
particles are great fun, but time consuming, great thing about it, is that you can replace particles with actual geometry. So say you create a detailed ice cube, and you want them to fall in random, actually say something like a avalanche , you could have objects like snow balls and rocks fall past and close to your camera, in high detail.
for the ice you could make like a hail storm or something, have the hail scream past your camera.
:::sorry dave about flooding your thread about nothing related to your question, i still cant find the tut on ice cubes for cinema in 3d buzz.
3d-iva? where is it?
hmm i never really played with particals before, i should try it…
do a search on 3dbuzz.com I thouht I saw one there. Hey post the image again I did not see it.
its crap, but anyway
edit:::took image away again cause was it was crap.
the tuts not there.
there are still a bunch in the first sticky i think
and at the maxon site
I know you are using 4d but here is a max tutorial. Maybe you could look at this tut. I know the methodology is the same just different placement of tools. I will continue to look I know I saw one somewhere. But this tut couldprobably give you an idea.
i could have rendered with caustics but i simply can’t afford to wait 3 hours for a single render…
The texture needs improvement but basically here’s what i did:
oh, and i also set a FFD for the cubes but I dont think that matters…
i’ll post the c4d file/texture if needed
Nice dude.
:::: Mmmm wonder if i could of done my version better in Maya than i did in cinema, lol.
sweetness…i like it…you did that in maya or 4d
c4d… if i have time one day’ ill render the caustics…
:waits for the photon raylighttracing:
:waits for the photon raylighttracing:
:waits for the photon raylighttracing:
:waits for the photon raylighttracing:
:shuts down PC in anger:
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