I’ve really been trying to buckle down and learn some Cinema 4d recently. I’m having a hard time getting started, i want to model some space ships and stuff. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers or referneces on…
good renders (like that soft whiteish render)
anything useful
(I’ve already looked at a bunch of tuts… it’s not helpin.)
Practice, practice, and more practice. Just start with some simple platonic objects like spheres and cubes. Make them editable and use the Polygon Tool to mold and shape them into whatever you want. When you’re done, if you want to smooth it out then throw it into a hyper NURB.
you have to start by here - it has the basis and more adanced stuff…
btw do you have c4d7 or the new one (8 I guess =)). Cos I’d love to see that incredible hdri rendering engine…
anyway in c4d you’ve gotta click everytwhere to see what does what. Fool around with all the options…
I’ve had access to c4d for months and I still can’t get bodypaint to do what I want, so it does take time sometimes…