Client Woes?

Hello everyone!

I kinda frustrated right now but I don’t really feel like I should be so this is kind of a rant.

Here’s the situation: I have these two rather large accounts on the go and both clients are dragging their arses big time on simple decisions. I spent most of yesterday on the phone and twiddling my thumbs. Client A was really gung ho about her site in the beginning but now she can’t decide which layout of the three I gave her she likes best. I figured she’d get back to me with a decision the next day and it’s been a week and still no decision. Client B is a car dealership site and he said he’d send me a list of which cars he wanted to emphasize the most,some pictures of the dealership aswell as information regarding their service specials and I’m getting the feeling he won’t get around to doing this until next week. I feel as though I shouldn’t complain because I got checks from both of 'em but still MAKE A DECISION! [SIZE=1]darn clients[/SIZE]

Just be happy you have clients dude. But yeah, a lack of communication always sucks. Good luck to ya.

I would try to give them a gentle push… let them know that your time is money, and that if they can’t make a descision, you may not be able to give them their full attention when they finally do get around to giving you the information you need… In my experience, most clients seem to think that you have all the time in the world, and you can wait forever. I would try to let them know that you need them to make a descision soon, or you may be forced to move on to other clients. Also, I would e-mail or call them at least once a day, and just say that you’re checking in to see where they are in the descision process, since everything else is kind of on hold until they make up their minds…

some ppl jst dunno what they want…

[size=1]hey candianguy… Im pretty sure that quote that homer said was “hmmmm… they have the internet on computers now”[/size]


Yea well I don’t have anything else to do besides those two accounts and I can’t really do anything with either of them until I get this info. I made a bunch of cold calls this morning but I’m really not in a selling mood. I followed up on a creditable lead and the guy didn’t seem interested at all and i think it was because he sensed that I wasn’t really energized.

I never said you would actually move on to other clients, just tell your current clients that you may be forced to move on… :wink:
And don’t ever lie. I try to make it a habit of being scrupulously honest, but that doesn’t always mean that you may interpret what I say as what I mean… :wink:

SeiferTim, if anything I call my clients too often. I am a the self proclaimed king of follow ups. I’ll follow up on a follow up. lol

tsk, tsk! I would never tell a client that my time is money and that my attention isn’t 100% on them (well unless I really don’t like 'em and there’s not a lot of money involved).

Syko, these people really annoy me. As for the quote I pulled it off another site and I’ve seen it exactly as I’ve written it all over the place.

Ugh! Again I find myself here on kirupaforum 'cause my darn clients haven’t provided me with some essential content to keep working on their sites.

I feel totally unmotivated right now.