Hello everyone!
I kinda frustrated right now but I don’t really feel like I should be so this is kind of a rant.
Here’s the situation: I have these two rather large accounts on the go and both clients are dragging their arses big time on simple decisions. I spent most of yesterday on the phone and twiddling my thumbs. Client A was really gung ho about her site in the beginning but now she can’t decide which layout of the three I gave her she likes best. I figured she’d get back to me with a decision the next day and it’s been a week and still no decision. Client B is a car dealership site and he said he’d send me a list of which cars he wanted to emphasize the most,some pictures of the dealership aswell as information regarding their service specials and I’m getting the feeling he won’t get around to doing this until next week. I feel as though I shouldn’t complain because I got checks from both of 'em but still MAKE A DECISION! [SIZE=1]darn clients[/SIZE]