Close Your Mind... (New Pic)

Hey everyone. Haven’t posted anything in a while so heres something…

Basically its me playing around with some techniques trying to make something that looks cool. I really like it :beam:

What do you think?..

Click me!! Go on! Cliiiick me! I love being clicked, click me! :love:

  • Soul :s:

i hate the eye. but the fire fits in really nice. abstract almost. i really like it. hmm now that i look at it more, its not hte eye, its the thing ‘dripping’ off the eye…

Why do you hate it? :stuck_out_tongue:

that eye is freaky…the flames are nice. Grunge it up a lil bit…all in all pretty cool experiment

casue the eye stands out to much and feels out of place. and yeah grunge it up

Actually I rather like the eye, it’s kinda symbolic, especially with the guy underneath, looking up at it. I suppose if you wanted to read into it, it’s like man calling up to Heaven but God is crying and not looking…

Alternatively it could just be there to look cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the fire, too, it makes me think of… well, soul. :slight_smile:

Well done Kit :wink:


God, I’m good. :beam:

shesh…here we go…

Get a room

It’s just what came into my head when I looked at the picture… The flames and that seem like a person’s spirit… Outside it’s blue, but inside it’s burning…

ow, Soul that looks like it hurts. I like the blue fire in the background, though.

i would but some more clouds around the eye or something…great job!!!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve had some more ideas so I’ll add those later tonight maybe.

  • Soul :s:

i like it alot, it just needs a little more. maybe turn the eye into ice or something with icecicles hanging down. cause the eye is okay, but the things hanging from it stand out too much. nice work though.=)

I do have an idea to change the eye/tears, coming soon :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

or incrust the eye into the image more, make it blend with the rest - here it comptetes with your logo too much…

really nice pic tho

To many different things, I don’t like it… looks to… ugly

for some reason it reminded me of that Lemon Jelly Ducks video, the one edwin posted the other day :beam:

good job nonetheless :beam:

I don’t fancy the eye too much, mate
As for the rest of the peice, it’s Jolly Good!