
I haven’t really made anything for a while since I was away from my computer… so consider this my warm up peice

looks like something edwin did.

looks good anyway. :thumb:

if it looks like somethin edwin did i’ll take that as a huge compliment


I like the detail in the iris, it’s cool. :slight_smile: Staring out at you…

Plus green eyes are always good (just like mine :beam: ).

you have green eyes??? :love:
Me hearts green eyes

I bet soul has green eyes, he’s so hot

I do. :slight_smile: And he does actually, yes. :beam:


I’m so jealous:*(

I do :slight_smile:

We are English and green eyed. :beam:

I wish I was perfect too

You are :love:

back to the subject, i like the detail in the eye, you should do a whole face made up of like 6 or 8 different slabs, and each one would be a little different.

replode, awesome idea… i might just try that sometime
soul, exactly the response i was looking for :love:


I liek the detail in the eye but the skin around it seems less detaild like a cartoon. Maybe try to mathc the two parts up a bit or maybe that is what u are going for.

i agree with sintax, but i still love this piece. the eye is so detailed

yeah they eye around it is supposed to look like that… it’s just all scribbled out and stuff… making the eye the unmistakable focal point. I think I need to work on that some more though. Thanks for the nice comments everyone