Close Your Mind... (New Pic)

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**for some reason it reminded me of that Lemon Jelly Ducks video, the one edwin posted the other day :beam:

good job nonetheless :beam: **

its the guy…i said the same thing…

2clean4me but looks cool, especially that flame :wink:

Great Job Soul!

But the eye has got to go, its in a strange shape, and well the little sticks hanging from it, is well, kid of strange, and looks out of place… It would be better if they eye(the viewers) would be first dragged to the middle, but otherwise it goes to the ugly eye.

I like everything else…

I know I know, its going to be changed :slight_smile:

Am I the only one that likes the eye?

'fraid so…

I like the eye, just doesn’t fit, it is a sexeh eye though :wink:

the eye is ok :slight_smile: just needs to have it’s opacity lowered… A LOT! :slight_smile:

good work :wink:

I tried that, just looks black, seen as the thing behind it is black :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

i also like the eye… but i think it would look better if it fit in a bit more… maybe if it looked like it was in the clouds, by masking a bit of it behind a cloud?

looks so nice overall

and please don’t tell me you did that fire/smoke stuff yourself, that would just be TOO awesome :x

Nice one Soul :A+:

But is that you who is burning in the picture ? :beam:

-Blast :tb:

soul, the eye would look great if the opcity was like around 1-0%! lol jk jp