I believe it has been enough time for most to try both demo’s (or Supreme Commander itself). This is mostly to those who have played both games thus far. I’ve found a lot of dislike toward what EA has done with CnC… btw this would be completely nothing. And love of the new style RTS that SC has brought.
The lan I was at last weekend I don’t think I found one person disagree that SC was by far the victor when it came to the new RTS’s. Most just laughed at CnC’s great zoom distance, and how they managed to change almost nothing with the games overall gameplay. Were just hoping the demo left out a lot of the buildings/units/awesome base designs that CnC left in our RTS hearts.
Mostly wondering if anyone found CnC as much of a let down as I have.
[whisper]I’m mostly just mad that EA would do such a thing to a game that had IMO so so much potential[/whisper]