Coffee russssssh!

man! i am cranked hardcore! just downed a hot cup 'o joe!

whoooooaaaaaaaaaa!!! :smiley:

ok. back to work now. my apologies for that outburst.

I watched a cup of coffee for a whole hour once to see if it did anything interesting.

It didnt.

whoa… creepy… lol :slight_smile:

guess you’re not a chemist

I saw a guy take 2 1/2 hours to walk up a set of 4 steps once…

Of course he had dosed earlier in the day…


heh, guess I edited as you quoted…this one went over my head…I’m usually quite on par with your posts…this one however…soared…guess I’m not a physicist either.

does this help?

Yep :smiley: lol…too many doses I guess, should got it :wink:

You mean to say you stood there and watched for 2 1/2 hours while this guy was climbing the steps?

Did you have any coffee??

He was between me and the bathroom…

Beer made me keep up with the progress…


Well, the 4 steps could have been really huge - like in that giant world place in DisneyLand (I think) :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, well either he was a really big guy or it was a really narrow staircase, 'cause I would have just gone around him. :wink:

perhaps you stepped into a time warp at that moment in time and time slowed to a snail crawl… i bet it was the work of the offworld denizen some call, kirupa :alien:

I did…

that is how I know it took him 4 hours to get to the top…

I did not say I watched him solidly for 2 1/2 hours…

wow! you guys assume a bunch, doncha?