Hi all,
Just wondering if any of the pros could give me advice on which collision detection routine I should use for plenty of objects
They are just basic bounding circles in 2D that represent the bad guys, but I want to have plenty of them coming towards you from all sides -
There may be a time when the screen is almost filled with them and they are all coming at you, so I want to try and keep the number of objects high and the game smooth
Currently I’ve implemented RDC (recursive dimensional clustering) which might be ok, but when more bad guys clump together the subdivisioning ‘power’ is wasted and brute force checking takes over - before the bad guys clump the collision can take between 0/5 ms depending on if I throw a lot of objects at it - more bad guys clumping starts slowing it down
It might be ok once the game is nearer completion, but at this early stage I want to benchmark how many objects I can get on screen which are checking each other for collision.
Should I use a different technique? Or maybe a combination of techniques?
Any ideas?