ColorPicker and Sprites

I have this code:

meuColorPicker.selectedColor = 0xffffff;
meuColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, corAlterada);
var objeto:MovieClip = camiseta.baseCamiseta;
function corAlterada(e:ColorPickerEvent):void {
var colorInfo:ColorTransform = objeto.transform.colorTransform;
colorInfo.color = meuColorPicker.selectedColor;
objeto.transform.colorTransform = colorInfo;

I want to use the colorPicker to change the color of a MovieClip inside a Sprite. In this case, called baseCamiseta.
If a change the variable type of objeto to a Sprite, than the colorPicker works correctly, but it changes only the “father” element’s color. I want to change de color inside the Sprite camiseta.

Why I am doing this? I have many objets in the Stage that I brought dynamicaly using (addChild)ren inside Sprites. Each Sprite has many children and I have to change the color of each one of them.

Thank you so much!