Comments/suggestions on ps tut

Here’s a PS tutorial I made a while back and I’m interested in making a few more but before I start I’d like a few comments on the previous tutorial and and some suggestions on how to improve it… thanks.

:rock: <-this one makes me laugh…


  • Michael

p.s. sorry about it being a jpg, it was made in PS

Hey that’s pretty good, easy to understand with nice visual aids. Do more do more!! =)

I did this tut a little while ago. There are a couple of things that are left out that can confuse some people, me for instance. All in all its good. But…the few steps were annoying. But…better than I can do so good job!

I was wondering… what were you confused with exactly because if you’re confused with something, chances are someone else will become confused as well. I’m experienced with PS so what i mention in the tut I understand and it’s hard for me to find things that someone new with the program would not understand…

Also, since I’m gonna make some more tutorials in the near future, what should I make them on? What effects? Anyone have any suggestions?


  • Michael

When I started PS, I had no idea whatsoever what the alpha layer was all about.

might want to not make the whole thing a picture.

cool! Nice I still have no idea what the alpha layer is all about! B’ what the hell! Nice tut!

so i should make a tutorial explaining how the alpha layer works and what it’s used for? Cool… that’s a good idea. And yeah, i do realize that the tut shouldn’t entirely be a jpg. I’l have to fix the other on too… any other ideas for a tutorial? any unknown techniques?

  • Mike

i am experienced with PS, but i need to ask you to plz change your footer as it is lagging the page. i am not a mod but i think Lost has asked and i am asking.

ok… it doesn’t seem to be lagging for me but sure… :slight_smile:

i think its well done. i like the use of pictures and “final words” at the bottom. i’d be looking forward to more if you made them :slight_smile:

Zylum thanks, i am on a 1ghz machine and a cable modem and it was taking fo’ever to load this page. thanks again!