Post here: users tutorials

[size=1]Edit: I cleaned up the thread a bit.[/size]

To make it easier for Kirupa, I think that all the people who currently working on a tutorial, or who have finished one, should post here.

That way we know what everybody’s doing, and we can beta-test tutes more easily.

pom :asian:

OK, here’s a list of the tutes that are ready or on the way:[list]
[]The fluid draggable menu by guig0 and Jubby
]a PS tute about electric stuff by mdipi
[]scan lines by mdipi
]Spider Webs PS Tutorial by Lostinbeta
[*]Alignment in PS tutorial by Lostinbeta[/list]

If I may,

I have done a simple tutorial of a menu that responds to the proximity of the mouse pointer. It is entirely based on AS and it is kinda of cool.

It is for beginers, the .fla has only two instances (both MCs) and a code with 6 lines on each. Very simple stuff.

If you all , spare some time to rate/correct it, and tell me if it really is up to be a Kirupa´s tut, or to tell me to get real.(-:
I´ll very much apreciate that.

I´ve attached it here, in the official format, on a zip file with everything included.

I have taken so much from here (firs in the tutorials and now here on this forum) that now I think is up to me to do my contribution, and hopefully the first of many.

Thanx in advance!

PS: **** keyboard…

The tutorial is really nice Guig0! I’ll add it to the site shortly.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

I´m glad you like it. :beam:

Coming up next:

Fluid-Draggable Menu (as seen on Coca Cola Brasil site).

Hope this one pleases you too.

This is the tut I´ve mentioned above. Check it out.

K this is to go in the Photoshop section when Eilose and Lost finish theirs.


note:that tut is best optomised with PS7

Hello Guig0,
Please re-check your last tutorial. For some reason, I am not able to follow you after Step 2. It just seems to me that you know what you are saying, but the reader might not be able to understand what you are telling them do :frowning:

Kirupa :x


let me see.

I don´t understand…

…seems very straight forward to me. But I´ll re-write it anyway, if you could explain to me the hard points for you I could do it better.

brrrrrrrr… cold… very cold…

See if it is better now.

Thanks! I’ll look into it in a short while :slight_smile:

I have just one thing to say about your first tute, guig0:
it would be nicer, scriptwise, to get the distance between the mouse and the menu to set the percentthing variable… Just a minor modification, so that you can use the same code on the top menu and on the bottom menu.

And since they are going to use the same code, why not make it a function?

Checking the second tute… I love the Patterson menu…

pom :cowboy:

OK, it’s true that it lacks some explanation. :slight_smile:
Especially the C script, I think (how you get the Xvelocity variable…).

But it’s a great effect.

My 2 Eurocents.

And use a function!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have just one thing to say about your first tute, guig0:
it would be nicer, scriptwise, to get the distance between the mouse and the menu to set the percentthing variable… Just a minor modification, so that you can use the same code on the top menu and on the bottom menu.

At first I wanted to do like that, but my script wasn´t working well, so I do it in that other way.

Have you any idea about how can I get the distance between the mouse and the menu to set the percentthing variable?

Patterson menu??? I didn´t get that.

Thanks fot the tips Ilyas!

Another thing:

I´ll try to explay the Code C better. Anymore hard points?

Well, a simple function like

function setAlpha(){
  // get distance
  var dist=_ymouse-this._y;
  // set alpha

You could also set 0.5 inside a variable to be able to change the effect and everything…

And concerning the Patterson menu, it’s just that you’re fluid menu was first made by James Patterson. Actually, I made a 2-dimension patterson thinggy for the contest: and the following (I called them easing).


pom :cowboy:

I didn´t know about that James Patterson. I seen that first on a design congress, were a designer from Coca Cola Brasil told that he create that, and ever since I tried to do the same thing by my own.

Hate people tha steal other peoples ideas.:evil: :bandit:

Thanks for the info and the tip, but I didn´t get that:

You could also set 0.5 inside a variable to be able to change the effect and everything…

Something like easing=0.5 and then this._alpha=dist*easing;