I’m trying to develope some flash applications that will storage text data for later use. I wofuld like to know how to make a dynamic conection between Flash and a TXT File, what I need to know is how do I storage that data?, how do I tell flash to storage that data on a file, and how to retrieve it?
I know very little about Action Script and certainly need asistance. If there’s any chance you can help me, please do so. I’m a new flash user trying to grow. Thanks for any information you can submit.
If you want to write external variables in a web environment, the easiest way is to invoke a server side script using getURl() or loadVariablesNum().
You will need a script (probably written in PHP, Perl or VB Script) and also the ability to change the CHMOD on the directory in which you want to write the script.
You used to be able to write cookies but Netscape 5 and above no longer supports SW LiveConnect.
comes with a disk and is chocked full of primary examples of server Flash interaction. Provided are scripts database information and an entire chapter on XML.
I highly recomend it.
Warning though… once you get into server side stuff… you are no longer a beginner. I don’t think that this book is too tough to understand… but it does require just a little more than a passing knowledge of Flash methods and movie clip construction. I’d be happy to explain just about anything that I can from the book though if you encountered something you couldn’t tackle.
Thanks for that note!!!, I’ll start looking for it.
And thanks for the notice too, the whole thing about learning flash is to stop been a beginner, and little by little start becoming a pro like all of you, and maybe, who knows, helping the upcomimg beginners like me.