Company Name Brainstorm

Oh dear here I go again…

I really can’t for the life of me think of a name to call my ‘company’ (you know what I mean) to use for my web design bits. Have spent several hours brainstorming with a few friends but am very stuck…

As for some info…my name is George Cave…im a web. designer and mostly just do bits and pieces for local businesses etc… don’t by any means do it as a ful time job. Am based in UK, will be going to Bristol in Octobr (uni) and want to sort everything out before then so I have a nice name, website etc… However I will have finished a big CMS site by next Monday, so would like to have a new name to stick across the bottom of it with a link to a holding page - i.e. so that can be my first piece of work under the new name.

For the name itself, it has to be soemthing a little personal, but different and def. not really cheesy. Am looking for 1 word of perhaps 2 words, to which I can tag ‘Design(s)’ onto the end of.

So far have gone through most variations of words joined to ‘Cave’, plus things like physics, geography, maths words / terminology etc… Please please, any suggestions or ideas very gratefully received!! Am getting desperate!!
