Company site critique - Layout

Hey guys,
I’m working on my new company site and was wondering about what I should do to enhance it. There isn’t a logo yet and there aren’t any animations or more pages, I just wanted to know what people thought about the general “feel” about what website. Post anything you guys think I should change about it! Thanks for any comments.

Theres nothing to crit. A bunch of (totally overused) diagonal bars. meh.

the top dark blue should be just one coloured
make something more interesting instead
some animation with logo or similar
rest is ok
maybe too dark for my taste

Looks like a mission briefing screen for an FPS

a few things i would consider changing:

  • you make a pretty dramatic shift from centered to left aligned. it’s really confusing to look at.
  • your space for actual content is pretty small. so if you have a lot of it, scrolling could become cumbersome.
  • the big thick diagonal lines just aren’t working
  • be careful not to use too much texture (my guess is you threw in the big thick diagonal lines to cover this up)
  • if you’re going to use flash for this, make sure it’s appropriate
  • try throwing in dummy content for more critique
  • you’re borderline looking really templaty. i would try to avoid that.

on the positive, thusfar navigation is easy. subnavigation is yet to be seen.

actually, i like it a lot:)
but remove the cloud things behind the text, it doesn’t fit the site