Criticise me please

Ok, 'cause my last sitecheck made clear that basically my site kinda sucked, I totally redid it.

It’s not finished yet, and there isn’t real content yet, but again I would appreciate some constructive criticism.

So, please tell me if you like it or not, and how you think I could do things better/different.

Thanks again.

This is the text belonging to item 2.


HAHA LOL thas pretty good site… but you need content below the text box.

well, as I said:

It’s not finished yet, and there isn’t real content yet

It’s just that I need some thoughts from y’all, how you like the colors, layout and whatever.

Well, I like it. There’s not much to crash here. :wink:
No, seriously, good colours, clean, it’s good…

But if you insist: :stuck_out_tongue:

[1] You could put the website in the middle of the screen, horizontal and vertical.

[2] Try to “clean” the logo a bit. It looks like a JPG that has been compressed too much.

[3] Add calm music.

Don’t worry too much about the things I wrote here, they are just suggestions. Your website looks very nice. Keep up the good work.

yeah, thats alright… continue with the theme.

I agree with Kajinku on the logo, needs to be crisper. Also i didn’t like the / down the left hand side, and it does need centreing.

But over all, i’d go with it. Nice colours.


I don’t wan’t to critisize you though :frowning:

Flashmatazz , nice work, simple layout, which is good and all, but maybe a bit too simple. I have the feeling that the layout belongs in a website rather than being the website itself.

The menu feels more like a sub menu item box than a main menu. Other than that it is a nice design, colours are good and work well, the logo as mentioned before needs to be cleaned up or rendered again, as it looks like you made it in 3d.

There nothing much more i can comment on, hope this can help you.

Good luck :slight_smile:


Thanks Dave. I agree on the logo as well, but I didn’t succeed yet in getting a better rendering in Swift 3D. I haven’t figured out yet, how to have it look better, but I’ll just keep trying.

And I will have a look at the / bars at the left. I intended it to be a part of the mask over the images, so the image would be seen just a little behind them as well. But that didn’t work yet.
O well, back to Flash I guess… :slight_smile:

@Mike: why not?? I guess you’ll have some thoughts about it don’t you?

Thanks for the comments Soulty!

I’m just wondering what it is about the menu, that gives you the impression of a submenu? Is it just too simple? 'cause I’m having plans just to spice it up a bit (not too much though) and also make sure that there’s is some indication in it of which menu-item is active at the moment.

I took a look at your site and I must say I like your logo very much. Could you maybe give some tips on how to get it so crisp? Cause I’m very new to Swift 3D and somehow can’t get the rendering to look well.


thanks, my site is majorly underconstruction, lol, its been like that for about a year now! :stuck_out_tongue:

::About swift3d , i had the same problems , what you have to do is work on your texturing and the lighting of your object . Play around till you are happy. Then you should get something you are happy with.

:::: by the way, a little Tip, In swift3d i render out to swf. so in flash i then export to the image to PNG. and then use photoshop to crop the image and add transparency , saving it again as a PNG and then importing that to flash. And then letting flash compress it to something like 70-80 percent jpeg compression.

Hope this can help :slight_smile:


about the menu, well maybe its just the layout of your website that makes me think its a submenu, alot of people forget to realise that a website is about presenting information to another person. The big window where you have the image should be where your content should go. the text box next to your menu, could be a sub menu or other related information. That might be what is making me think that your menu look odd. Like i said its a nice design , but maybe you need to think about what your content is and where it is going to go.

::: i know that if you put the content in the large window where you now have the images , you will lose the images, but well is there any use for the images, unless you are a photographer.
You could use the random images loading on the home page and the rest of the links would be filled with content.

Just my opinion. :slight_smile:


Hi Soulty, thanks very much for that tip! I did the logo rendring and exporting like you said, and it worked great. I’m very happy now :slight_smile:

I also centered the movie vertically and put in a bg-image, and I think it looks much better now.

About that biggest window: it’s also meant to contain content, but for now there isn’t just any. I’m not a real photographer, but I’m planning on making a photography section as well. Besides that I want to have that box contain info about projects and stuff that I did in college. So basically the smaller box at the top is just meant for some general info and the larger box is meant to contain more specific content.

Hope that explained my ideas a bit better.

Again thanks for the comments and if you want just let me know what you think of the logo now.


I think the logo is too big, and the allignment… make it more center…

You are short, and your feet stink…


couldn’t resist…



The new background looks nice, not to say the older one wasent nice, i actually like both, so its up to you on which one you want.

:::have you changed the logo yet :-?


*Originally posted by Soulty *
**The new background looks nice, not to say the older one wasent nice, i actually like both, so its up to you on which one you want.

:::have you changed the logo yet :-?

:::Soulty::::smirk::: **

Yeah, I changed it. Doesn’t it look more crisp now?

@reverendflash: No, I’m not, I just had a shower… :slight_smile:

Yeah, Does look sharper, very subtle change though, i would need a before and after shot to prove it, cause i cant remember how the older on looked. :crazy:


yup, it looks pretty nice, put some more content =)

Sorry Soulty, can’t do… I already deleted the old one :slight_smile:

Thanks Lynx. Content will be added shortly. But I first want to have everythinh working properly.

I added a custom scrollbar for instance after finding out that I couldn’t use the component-scrollbar 'cause it basically f*cks up the preloader.

I also got rid of the /-bars at the side and replaced them with small boxes that mask the image correctly now. And I added a little rotating pointer in the menu and a sliding effect for the active menu-item.

It’s all details but they take a lot of time to figure out for me. But my AS is improving steadily…

…and now I’m going to get some sleep.

Cheers everybody!