Complex Button Rollover Flash MX04

Ive seen a few forum questions regarding this same problem but failed to see a solution. Im trying to mouseover a complex rollover menu which includes buttons. The button actions doesnt seem to work. It probably something really simple. Id appreciate any input. The FLA should be attached.

the whole menu you are roling out is a hitpoint, the mouse cursor changes to a hand… You are trying to put a button in that so it doenst work.

if you change this.onrollover to an instance like button1.onrollover and you would roll over the menu and it slides out and then over the button the menu will slide in again.

You have to get rid of the rewind script i think and work with gotoandplay

This is probably not very well writtten – But, Its quite simple, without too much XML, Tweening equations etc…

Hopefully it will help?