[FMX04]Need help on complex rollover button with transitions script

[FMX04]Need help on complex rollover button and transition script

Ok I tried to merge 2 tutorials together the “Complex Button RollOver/RollOut Effects” with the “Transitions Between External SWFs” tutorial. For some reason I can’t seem to get the buttons to function properly. I keep getting a mouse over error I’m sure it’s something really small that I’m overlooking.

Please Help

//all this code is inside the complex button so you can stick as many as you want
//on the stage and all will work… they all will have this code in it…

stop(); // stop the movie clip from playing (stop button from growing, we want that when the mouse rolls over only

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){ //if rewind switch is set to true play backwards
prevFrame(); // play backwards

this.onRollOver = function(){
rewind = false; //set variable (or switch) that decides wether ot not to play backwards…
play(); // play this movie clip… (grow the button(tween));

this.onRollOut = function(){
rewind = true; //set or rewind switch to true so it will play backwards…

this.onRelease = function(){
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = “section1”;
} else if (_root.currMovie != “section1”) {
if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) {
_root.currMovie = “section1”;