Hi guys, new here and for good reason.
I’ve been flash dev. for 3 years now and I’m having a problem i never saw before.
To simplify the situation, i’ve recreated the scenario:
i have combo boxes and other components on my stage.
i also have a generic input text field.
I then have a button.
I’ve created something that requires the user to press this button multiple times and sometimes even very fast.
However, once u click on the button, it does the action once and then after that the cursor randomly switches between the arrow cursor and hand cursor and the button doesnt work unless i press it a few times.
My button seems to be losing focus because of the combo boxes and text input field components.
for example, if i only have a textInput component and a button: i cant click the button fast and the textInput field on my stage constantly has the blinking line in the field meaning the textInput symbol has tocus, but if i remove the textInput and the comboboxes from the library, i can click the button on the stage as many times as i want a quickly.
anyone know how to prevent the combobox and textInput from taking focus away from my button?
Perhaps you have a movieclip that is looping and on it, at a particular frame you have some sort of button or user interacting item. If that interaction only happens on a specific frame, when the user clicks it, it’s up to chance whether he hits the correct frame… and hense, clicking lots of times quickly allows you to hit the correct frame.
But it also could be a bunch of other things too =/
Basically the FocusManager wants all of its friends (the components) to have all of the attention. By taking its depth, the FocusManager will immediately self destruct at the loss of his prestige. But the components need the FocusManager to live so they’ll create another. This time however the FocusManager will have learnt its lesson and won’t try to be the popular kid. At long last peace is restored to the Flash document.
Or that’s what I say because I have no idea why it works, but it does
i went this route and it seemed to do the trick. im more interested in finding out why this works, but nevertheless, thank you so much. this was driving me insane.
I really would like to know why this works too (and why it needs fixing in the first place). If you want you can disable the FocusManager all together by using: