Ok so i made this website and it has 3 comboboxes in the “Contact” section.
(contact.swf which contains the form is loaded in an empty MC)
I altered the style of the boxes using this;
function setNewStyle() {
for (var i = 1; i<4; i++) {
var myL:MovieClip = this["myList"+i];
myL.setStyle("color", "0x666666");
myL.setStyle("embedFonts ", true);
myL.setStyle("backgroundColor", "0xffffff");
myL.setStyle("borderStyle", "default");
myL.setStyle("fontFamily", "Copy 08_55");
myL.setStyle("fontSize", 8);
myL.setStyle("openEasing", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut);
myL.setStyle("selectionColor", 0xFFFFFF);
myL.setStyle("textSelectedColor", 0x666666);
myL.setStyle("rollOverColor", 0xFFF9F90);
Now the problem is if you select an item from the combobox this ugly outlined green square is there where the content of the box was. And I cant seem to get rid of it. Anyone has an idea of solving this problem ?
if I open the contact.swf file it works without the ugly green outlines
havent tested it on Mac platform yet, but its anyways a problem in IE and FF
it even occurs when i havent styled the comboboxes. So I asume the problem is that the boxes are loaded in an empty MC.
Not a clue how to solve this though. any help ?