Well done to DDD & Claudio as well
Well done to DDD & Claudio as well
*Originally posted by [ minimalistik. ] *
**the next three mods for qualification:
based upon their useful replies i have seen throughtout the flash/as/d&D forum **
Thanks dude, i’m really glad that you appreciate my help :love:
But i have to agree with mdipi , all people modded have been here a long time before i was, these three you can see are everywhere in the forums helping out, most i thought were mods already. Maybe it will be my turn in the future
thanks again for the support :thumb: and congrats again to the new mods :beam:
Congratualations to you all
“Maybe it will be my turn in the future”
yeh thats what i meant. Of course like your not going to be a mod like now but defineltely some time in the future
*Originally posted by [ minimalistik. ] *
DDD: the first person to help me when i first came here
guru i would say ;)
Voetz: the music player! :P
But overall, they all help really good in various sections but especially the flash ones ;) **
hey thanks for remembering dood! Glad I could help ya.
poor phil; his unquestionned dictatorship is vanishing away… ah the glory of the old days…
I’d especially have to point out the RAMPAGE that Voets seems to be on. LOL
I came on this morning and went into Flash MX to see if anyone needed help…nope, Voets had already answered all 15 of the latest ones. Not to mention the ‘Actionscript’ sections. Wow, this guy needs some ridilin.
Keep up the good work Voets but you make me feel unneccesary.
Maybe we should just clone Voets and then we’ll never have any un-answerable questions.
~ Seretha :love:
It’s wednesday, I’ve had a lot of free time
Oh, and I’m addicted to this forum.
Congrats Voets, DDD and Claudio.
For the next mod, I nominate myself because I haven’t helped out much around here and I’ve contributed absolutely nothing.
in that case, me too
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Congrats Voets, DDD and Claudio.
For the next mod, I nominate myself because I haven’t helped out much around here and I’ve contributed absolutely nothing. **
Dont say that EG, you have helped me out tons of times:thumb:
e-geek…is the human favorites menu…The dude has links for every d*mn thing.
yeah both you guys have helped me when i first came.
then when i surpased you guys i still remembered to lean down and help the little guys like you.
137 now dippy
thanks i didnt see that
Happy mod-day to you
Happy mod-day to you
Happy mod-day Voets-DDD-and-Claudio
Haaappyyyy mod-day toooo yoouuuuuu!
end solo with lots of jam on the trumpet
[EDIT] D-a-m-n it, I’m always like two-three days behind… I wanna have broadband so I can be online 24/7! [/EDIT]
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