I have created a Continuous Movement flash thing… I am new to flash so… ya
My problem is my circles are disapering and I have no F#$@^%& clue why. I have followed the tutorial here exactly exept for my modifications, layers and different size.
Please tell me what went wrong my file is avalible here
Your dots move too fast. In one frame, they are in front of the block, and in the next they are behind it so there’s no collision. Try to check the position instead.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
//generating movement
location = this._x;
var i;
i = 1+_root._xmouse/15;
if (_x >= 300) {
this._x = -500;
} else {
this._x = location+i++;
//clips are scaled according to y-mouse;
this._xscale = 40+_root._ymouse;
this._yscale = 40+_root._ymouse;
I used that code, and it worked great. Thanks! Now I’m loading my finished SWF into another movie, but is there a way to get it the speed and scaling to only respond when the mouse is over the loaded movie as opposed to the movie that containes it? I’m sure it has to have something to do w/the “_root.” stuff.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
location = this._x;
var i;
i = 1+_root._xmouse/5;
if (this, hitTest(_root.block)) {
this._x = -1000;
} else {
this._x = location+i++;
//clips are scaled according to y-mouse;
this._xscale = 40+_root._ymouse;
this._yscale = 40+_root._ymouse;
Then on a layer above those create a movie clip that covers the exact area of your stage. Turn this into a movie clip symbol, then click on it and drop the _alpha to 0 in the properties panel (CTRL+F3).
After that, right click on the symbol and open the actions panel.
Apply these actions…