This saturday a little car crash happened. A distracted driver didn´t see a stoped car ahead and bumped. Nothing major.
The distracted driver got nervous and didn´t want to take responsability on the crash, and when the second driver steped out of his car to talk the first driver run out, he suddenly noticed that the second driver was in pursuit, they´re now racing.
Few miles ahead another driver was caught in the middle of this chase, the first driver hit his car, this time a big hit, a big crash.
The second driver went to the first driver´s car and they begun to discuss, some time passed before they realized that the third driver won´t came out of his car. When they went to see him, he was dead.
A wife and three sons, deprived from a husband and father by something that he never see it coming.
The third driver was my uncle. The last time I´ve seen him was in the new year´s party (that happened in his house).
What I´m trying to say is: Never, ever, use your car on a race, chase or pursuit. You´re not putting only your life in danger.
Yeah man… SOrry to hear that… I’ve lost some relatives due to careless driving as well… Not only them but others carelessly driving… It’s extremely stupid…
Drinking and Driving
All this crap… You can have fun in other ways… Don’t screw it up for everyone else!
For your words and plz, plz be careful and mature behind wheels. Dont put your and others lifes at risk for such thing as racing and chasing. I would hate to hear about one of you guys in a story like that.
Wow man, I am sorry to hear about your loss too. I know what it is like to lose a family member.
Man it ticks me off when people are that immature. You would think if you are old enough to drive, you are old enough to take responsibility for your own actions, and have enough common sense to know you are endangering other lives. People like that make me sick, they really do.
My best wishes for your family. In SF, we have a large number of pedestrians vs. autos (due to the fact that the entire city is only 49 sq miles). Last year an average of 1.3 people/mo. were killed by vehicles, while they were in a cross-walk…
Cars are not toys. People need to remember that a ton and a half of metal damages life when impacted at speed.
YEha a beloved teacher around this area and his wife just got killed by a drunk driver the other week…
I had this teacher in school… He was an upstanding citizen and was an excellent teacher, family man and a pure gentleman…
It sucks… He lived right down the road form me… And always ran everyday by the hosue… I’d tlak to him and run with him for a little to my friend’s house then say goodbye…
People don’t understand how to drink… It’s meant for sociasl events where you don’t have to go anywhere that evening…