My friend Annette and I were hanging out with nothing to do. We live in a small town, and it gets hard to find fun things to do. There is a road, highway 36 west, which is sort of notorious for being dangerous; very windy and such. We both thought it was a great road, and for some reason decided to drive it last night in the dark+rain in her MOM’S 2002 mazda protege. I think you can see where this is going.
We drove for about half an hour and decided to head back. Well Annette lost control of the car over some little hill, and we swerved violently a couple times, before crashing near some trees. Amazingly neither of us were even scratched, but the car was really messed up; I don’t know if it’s fixable, but her mom had full coverage.
Another lucky thing was we were about five mintues walking distance from her friends house, where we called the cops and her dad. Her dad came and took everything out of the car and drove me home. I don’t know what happened next .
I feel horrible about what happened. I wish I had done sooooo many things differently, although I’m extremyly grateful that no one was hurt. From what I could tell, if anyone was going to be hurt, it was Annette; the driver’s door was inches from a large oak tree. If it had come in through the front…
It was also extremly ironic, because earlier that night there had been so much involving death: for some reason I had brought up that I figured I would die before 50, die young. She said she wanted to live to be about 80. And when we were in Shari’s (a resteraunt in town), she mentioned she had always wanted to walk in the rain, and walk in a cemetary at night. So before heading to highway 36 we had been walking in a cemetary.
It was a very weird and scary night. I wish I could do something to help her; I don’t even want to try to call