Could someone show me How!

I’m stumped!!! My question is how to I make a button or word work like so.

I want the customer to be able to mouse over a sound, but when you take the mouse off of the button or word the sound will stop.

I own a guitar loops site and I’m using the mouse over technique now, but if they hit more then one button at a time the sounds play all at once causing jumbled sounds together.

Can someone help me please??


Ronnie Rokk

post in the flash forum.

real quick there are tons of posts on the forum on this

Button.onRollOver = function(){
x.start(0,1) // loops once

Button.onRollOut = function(){

woah that was quick but something like that should work,
just make sure to go to link the sound in your library. btw shouldn’t this be in the flash section???